- fury: a feeling of intense anger
- a state of extreme anger
- behave violently, as if in state of a great anger
- something that is desired intensely
- be violent; as of fires and storms
- violent state of the elements
- feel intense anger
One of our graphic design assignments was based on an article about rage and our goal was to create 3 concepts drastically different from each other in any genre we wanted. The only requirements was that one image and some form of text was to be used. Here are the concepts that I came up with and I'm pretty happy with them. If you haven't heard this from me before I like simplicity, irony and the unexpected and that's what I was going for in these concepts. Simple. To the point. Eye-catching. That's what you need in an ad which I chose to work on. I found a website on anger management as well as other potential burdening factors which I thought would be appropriate and went to town.
My second concept was the favorite from my "mock clients" so I spiffed it up, but they stated that not much needed to be changed which was nice since you know, always something else to do!
At least I'm not feeling any rage right now, it has been a pretty good day. :D I'm at home in wholesome wisconsin at the moment and I have a friend from high school that is getting married tonight. Though I have seen most of the people that I graduated with in the past 5 years, it should be an interesting time to say the least.
Ad concepts based on an article about rage, Lindsey Pionek, InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator, Spring 2009.