
Let Me Free

I thought this ad was appropriate for how I feel today. Needless to say, this week has not been fun: I'm not working well on my assignments (or I'm being a perfectionist) and the boy is just not working out. Not. One. Bit. Therefore, I'm a little upset and just want to go to bed and not really write tonight. So here's another anatomy-based ad since we were talking about creating an ad in Graphic Design today as well as that the brain wanting to get out and stop thinking (like my own at the moment).

This ad is actually created for the Mexican contemporary art museum, Museo Tamayo de Arte Contemporáneo in Mexico City. I don't quite understand the relevance, but I think it was well done, creative, and definitely memorable, that's for sure! The agency that created this piece is Draftfcb-Mexico headquarters. Draftfcb has a few headquarters around the world and have an impressive client list... take a look!

Ok, off to bed, hopefully a better (and more productive) day tomorrow.

Photo courtesy of AdPharm.com Print advertisement for Museo Tamayo, 2009

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have to say that I have had a crush on you for a while. I am sorry I am not commenting on your content.. I just want to say I really love your smile... thanks.