
Skull A Day

Well it's New Year's Eve everyone and I hope everyone will have a fantastic time tonight and be safe and stick true to those New Year's Resolutions. I am heading to Green Bay tonight to celebrate and see some people that I worked with before moving to Chicago... as well as spending another New Year's with someone that I am pretty much infatuated with. :D Don't worry, I will let you know how it goes!

One of my New Year's Resolutions (other than the typical ones) is to do more research in the fields of biomedical visualization, illustration, etc (however you want to describe it) and graphic design. With that, I present an awesome blog Skull A Day. If you haven't seen this one yet, take a look! Though most skulls are not anatomically correct, it is great to see what people can do with typical objects to make or see a skull. It definitely gives me some creative inspiration, hope it can do the same for you!

Happy New Years once again!


Words to Live By

I have finally had enough time to finally read something other than anatomy texts and scientific papers and I finally finished a very inspiring book. The Last Lecture is a memoir by Randy Pausch, a virtual reality and computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon University. Pausch was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, a cancer without a cure and kills quickly. Randy died on July 25th, 2008 and left his words of wisdom to his children in the form of a book. His words are ones to live by and I recommend this book to everyone. One of the chapters at the end hit me directly, as some college grads and others think that they are better than what they are given whether it be jobs, classes, etc. The excerpt may be long, but it's worth reading to the end.

51 No Job Is Beneath You

It's been well-documented that there is a growing sense of entitlement among young people today. I have certainly seen that in my classrooms.

So many graduating seniors have this notion that they should be hired because of their creative brilliance. Too many are unhappy with the idea of starting at the bottom.
My advice has always been: "You ought to be thrilled you got a job in the mailroom. And when you get there, here's what you do: Be really great at sorting mail."

No one wants to hear someone say: "I'm not good at sorting mail because the job is beneath me." No job should be beneath us. And if you can't (or won't) sort mail, where is your proof that you can do anything?

After our ETC students were hired by companies for internships or first jobs, we'd often ask the firms to give us feedback on how they were doing. Their bosses almost never had anything negative to say about their abilities or their technical chops. But when we did get negative feedback, is was almost always about how the new employees were too big for their britches. Or that they were already eyeing the corner offices.

When I was fifteen, I worked at an orchard hoeing strawberries, and most of my coworkers were day laborers. A couple of teachers worked there, too, earning a little extra cash for the summer. I made a comment to my dad about the job being beneath those teachers. (I guess I was implying that the job was beneath me, too.) My dad gave me a tongue-lashing of a lifetime. He believed manual labor was beneath no one. He said he'd prefer that I worked hard and became the best ditch-digger in the world rather than coasting along as a self-impressed elitist behind a desk.

I went back into that strawberry field and I still didn't like the job. But I had heard my dad's words. I watched my attitude and hoed a little harder.

Paush, Randy 2008. "The Last Lecture" pp 168-9.


Anatomy of an Angel

Merry Christmas everyone! Hope today all were blessed with love and family. Christmas was great for me, I was given an external hard drive which will be helpful for storing my artwork and my family got a kick out of the chocolate d'anatomie that I gifted. All in all a good day. To celebrate this Christmas day I present to you Damien Hirst's "Anatomy of an Angel" (see a more detailed image here). I have heard of Damien Hirst as the wealthiest conceptual European artist to still be alive, as well as his diamond encrusted, platinum skull (take a look how it was created!) and shark in formeldehyde (with quite a name for its title), but not for sculpture like this. It is argued that he is not what people usually consider an "artist", since he did not formally do the work himself, but had others do it for him by following his vision. Whatever you decide, the work is intriguing to me because of my medical and scientific background because of the relevance in anatomy, preservation, death, and biology. He even has some anatomical models that "he" had done as well! Check out a slide show of some of Damien Hirst's work here.

Photo: Courtesy of DayLife http://www.daylife.com/photo/05Ymdlc5a5bfH


2 Medical Visualization Companies to Take a Look At

I'm going to probably regret saying this in less than a month, but at least during graduate school, I have something to keep me busy. I would be out and about a little more, but this snow is driving me crazy! Plus, my hometown is in the middle of nowhere so I have to drive at least a half hour to get anywhere.....no easy public transportation for me now! I should be working on one of my friend's logo he wants me to do for him, but it's Christmas Eve, that's my excuse. However, I have been doing lots of research on medical illustration and the field and people involved in it, so I think that will help me out; it has been keeping me busy at least. I found two websites to present here. One is Alexander and Turner and the other one is Fairman Studios.

Alexander & Turner is a duo medical illustration team located in Grayton Beach, Florida. Though their portfolios and emphases are very different, both have an incredibly solid and reputable client list.

Fairman Studios is the biological and medical illustration and animation portfolio site for Jennifer Fairman. She graduated from the John's Hopkins program for medical illustration and teaches there now as well. Her work has a very delicate and detail-oriented style and is seen in all of her work.

Well I should help for our annual Christmas Eve dinner! Yay for cornish hens, grasshopper drinks, and family!


This Guy is AMAZING!

I was tooling around the internet looking for graphic designers, photoshop tutorials, and whatnot (I tend to do a lot of tooling around since I don't have that much to do during break) and I found this designer. His name is Chris Haines and he can do some pretty cool things with Illustrator and Photoshop! I better watch to some more tutorials.... my stuff is so basic compared to his! Check out more of his stuff on the Behance Network. It's nice that he uses some anatomy in his work as well!


All I Want for Christmas....

Is my two front teeth from Bubba Gum! I was tooling around the internet yesterday to find some silly Holiday-related things and I found and interestingly wonderful stocking stuffer. They are candy teeth, and they don't look like the beautiful ones that come from braces when you were 12 years old. But if you want to reminisce of the good time when you were little with crooked teeth, this sweet thing is for you! Click the link here to see where to get them!


I Almost Died During Christmas Break....

Well okay, here's the story. My Mom wanted me to paint a few places in our house including the ceiling of a few rooms during the break since I didn't quite have a job. You know, no big deal, I can paint a flat color no problem. Needless to say, I started with the ceiling since we didn't have to discuss colors. Too bad I didn't think about the trouble I would encounter with my mere 5' 2" frame.

I was in the process of cleaning the ceiling.... no problem, and then I started taping. I started and I couldn't get right up to corner so I had to use the tallest chair that we had.... too bad it was a swivel chair. I was fine for sometime, but the thing is with taping you have to continue with a long piece of tape; it will look better that way. So in the process of trying to hop to another chair, I crashed. Yup, just crashed. Crashed on my parents little snowman Christmas tree that I thought I moved far enough away. At least it was fake so I just messed up the branches of the tree. However, there were some glass ornaments which of course I broke and of course fell on and of course cut myself with. It's not even the problem I cut myself, it's the place. RIGHT ACROSS MY WRIST! Seriously, not only am I sore, bloody, broke some ornaments, and ticked off at myself, but now I look like a cutter. Awesome. I just hope it heals with no scars, seriously, who is going to believe this story?

Well after a bit, I went to taping again, but I left the hard-to-reach parts to my taller family members. So I was done for the day, with painting to do tomorrow. I received my brother's gift in the mail from my online shopping, just to open in and find out it has a tear in it, AWESOME. I also check out my loan account and there is STILL money in there. I. HATE. LOANS!!!!!!!

Tomorrow should be a better day, we will see with the painting.....

Also, I found this little illustration on Flickr, don't know who did it, but I thought it was appropriate.


It's Not Too Late to Shop Anatomy-Style!

Just in case you were looking for that special someone who has everything for Christmas, check out the outrageous array of objects at Cafepress.com. I want a mug, an ornament, and a tshirt, with a matching throw pillow and shirt for my dog....yes, they have all of those things for the science geek at heart. Or you can get something a little more tasty, like antomically-shaped chocolates.....no lie, I purchased some for Christmas. I'm looking forward to get the weird looks when they are opened! Well off to sleep to do some more Christmas shopping tomorrow and meet a little one!


Website and Internship

Well, the semester is finally over! We had our presentations on Thursday; They went well and it was really nice to see all of the student's work once again. We worked hard for this, and you can tell. I'm really a fan of this program, however stressful it may be, but that's just how it goes. It feels so good to now have to do anything. So now you can take a look at my finished website.... I will more than likely put in a few more things during the break to make it even better, but I think it does the job at the moment! Here's my website, check it out and let me know what you think!

Also, as you can tell from the picture at the top, I did have my 2nd interview at the National MS Society, Greater Illinois Chapter for a web and graphics internship with them and I got it! I will be starting January 5th and I'm so excited! It all happened because I can proof-read text and that I showed the head of the marketing department my website! It helps to get yourself out there! It will be beneficial to gain experience and to work for such a great organization.

The building is awesome and it is right downtown..... I love this city and I feel like I'm going to love working here too!

There was one issue though. You know, of course. It is really convenient to get there; the bus on the corner of the street of my apartment stops right at the corner of the building I will be working at! However, it is on a one-way street, one thing I did not think about...... I was expecting to take that bus back, but I couldn't find where to take it the opposite way. At first, I began to panic because of course I forgot my map and got turned around with everything going on. It was right across the street from Union Station, so I knew the Blue Line was there, but I didn't know on what street.

Instead of looking stressed, I just started walking. You never want to look like you are confused when you are by yourself in the city....that's when bad things happen. When I was trying to cross the street in front of Union Station, this homeless man was trying to sell me the Onion newspaper (If you don't know this already, DON'T TAKE IT FROM THEM!) Usually you can just say "no thank you" and they will leave you alone, but this guy was persistent... thank God I tend to place myself around plenty of people so nothing would happen without a witness. Eventually he left and I found the Blue Line to go home. It was nice to see what's around the area from my walking though, so that was good. You just have to have a good head on your shoulders and look confident, even if you may not feel like you are!


Inflammatory Response

Assignment numero dos for the week of Hell: Process Graphic. I chose the nonspecific inflammatory response for the general public for print. I think it turned out well and I had a lot of fun doing it! My style is becoming more graphic and I love to work with Illustrator and find new tools to use when I can. Phew, thank goodness this week went by fast!


One down....

There you go, the sliding filament theory. It's fun, isn't it? It may look like a simple task, but it takes a lot longer to make and organize than one thinks. I had to do a few adjustments, as I wrote in a post prior, but I'm still not very happy with it. I guess it will be a project for me this break....OH YEAH! I am done with my first semester of graduate school! I feel great. Some people went out tonight, but I am satisfied with just sitting in front of the television (which I am doing right now).

I don't want any plans or any planning tonight and I just want to be left alone, but I doubt that that will happen since my phone has been going off the hook this entire week. I have not had so many texts and phone calls this whole semester as I have this past week. THE BUSIEST WEEK OF THE SEMESTER.....why does that happen?

Oh well, it's done and it's over for another couple months..... more artwork that I haven't posted yet to come! Now I can catch up on my sleep.......ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz................


So sleepy, but can't sleep

Well everyone in our program must be at the epitome of tiredness. I know I am. All of my projects are done except for a few nit-picky things on my website, and the Powerpoint for presentations on Thursday.....phew! We made it! But you know what stinks?! Well, I did not to do well with my anatomical visualization assignment that was due today. When I went up to present, I immediately noticed several flaws..... AWESOME, way to finish the semester on a great note, Lindsey. At least they are easy fixes. As soon as I get them fixed, I will post it. I don't want to look like a complete idiot by puttin up something terrible.... you never know who will see your blog, as I have already found out.....

Our class also received our final anatomy grades back.... I hope everyone did ok! I did well, but my last exam was my worst and it really sucked because I seriously must have been just below the line of getting an A.... oh well, can't complain. I don't have to take the class again.

Another good thing though, I have a second interview for an internship for next semester! It's on Friday, so I hope it works out! It seems like they are very interested, at least.

Well, the rest of my stuff will be up in a matter of a few days, so keep your eyes peeled!

ps: I think I have successfully quit smoking! I don't have cravings anymore! Woo hoo!

Ok nighty night!


Insomniac Art

It is 4:16 in the AM and I have not yet slept. I did finish my website for the most part, with a few things to fix up on it. I wanted to get it done today and after more or less 12 hours on it, it is completed. I will make sure to put it up on here when all of the tiffs are out of it. And now I'm overtired so I'm writing. This next week is going to be intense, so I better get used to lack of sleep and coffee.

I found some interesting anatomical art tonight through my insomnia. The art could give normal people the chills, but when you go through cadaver lab, you are never the same. The artist's name is Craig LaRotonda and he has a ton of surreal illustrations, with most of them dealing with something anatomical. Jennybird Alcantara has some interesting work too. (Yes, I typed that right!)

I have been checking UIC's Blackboard constantly to see if they grades are up....still nothing. You would think I would understand that and not check every hour..... I guess I will never learn. Oh well, off to bed for another day of school work!


An Intense Few Days

My final anatomy exam which was on the head and neck was today. The lecture part went well, but unfortunately, the lab part was not my best, but when I mean best, like 3 wrong, so I shan't complain. I was up before it was light out this morning and let me tell you....8 degrees when I left the apartment! To make matter a bit more chilly as well, the UIC buses weren't working at that time.... that time was 6:45 when I left the house. I must be a total nerd too since the Health Sciences Library doesn't open until 7:30....what kind of people are running this place? Do they realized that they are in the sciences and science people need to study?! Anyway, I chatted with a friend (that was actually thinking the same as I that morning) until the library was opened.

After the test was done, we went for a little drinky and socialization at Hawkeyes. I had 2 beers and they tasted really good today. After that, I and others went to support a fellow grad student to go to her undergrad senior thesis art show. Chicago is more into the conceptual art than I am, but it is interesting what the process is sometimes; but really, can rotten vegetables be considered art?

Yesterday for Biomedical Visualization (BVIS) Seminar, Mr. Scott Barrows gave our class the opportunity to check out the Electronic Visualization Laboratory here at UIC. I was greatly impressed! They had virtual reality, a touch screen table like in some of the new movies and incredibly hi-res photos that could be projected on this huge screen. It's awesome to think that some things that they were showing us are the teaching tools of the future. Of course, when I go to try out the touch-screen picture table, the image doesn't move and it temporarily freezes. Another girl in my class noticed and stated that now she realizes what I'm talking about when things get messed up when I'm around..... Tell me about it!

Well off to sleep and then some major website-building tomorrow! Less than a week and I'm done with the semester!


Anatomy and the Bra

After watching the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show tonight and studying anatomy I decided to research this a bit more and procrastinate from what I should actually be doing. I'm pretty good at doing that. I found things about the anatomy of the bra and yes, the parts actually have names (I know because I used to work at Victoria's Secret and I would like to work there again soon part time), history of the bra, as well as the patent for one of the earlier bras (actually patented by a man in Chicago!), the effectiveness of a good sports bra, and the process of making a prosthetic breast. Quite an interesting find, I think.

What I have featured here for the picture is the $5 million bra that is the gem of the show. They are always fantastic and I was blown away by the show once again. Victoria's Secret's marketing department is fantastic, you have to admit.

In ode to the looming anatomy exam, I found an ad for Genteal eye drops that I thought was interesting. I also found this cool play on hands for AT&T. These were found on the blog called AdPharm, a pharmaceutical ad agency that shows off other pharm ads as well. I thought it would be a good reference..... too bad what I really need right now is to study anatomy.

Talking about anatomy, I know we all freak out, but you know, in the end it seems to work out. However, I feel like I should be a little more worried. It's so hard to study because every single anatomy test this semester has been through a different professor, so you can't get used to one professor's teaching style. I'm in a good spot though, so I'm not too worried, but my over-achieving attitude wants to get a high grade. We finally had our crit for anatomical visualization on the anatomical landmarks; I think it went well, but I could change a few things, us artists can always change a few things.....

Other things to freak out about: Website 95% done on monday, anatomical illustration due on tuesday, and then Artwork PowerPoint and instructional design project on wednesday, and final presentation on thursday.....phew! Plus Mr. Dude from home won't stop calling.... I feel bad, but I just don't have time for this, obviously.

I also applied to an internship today..... hopefully I hear from them soon!

It's time for me to fall asleep on my books and watch anatomy videos...... I know I'm cool.


Blogging and Anatomy

Well today was just another day with Computer Applications and Human Anatomy. My personal website is to be 95% done by next Monday.... I will make it happen....after the final anatomy exam this Friday.... it's going to be a long week.

One thing was awesome today, though. Vanessa Ruiz, a former student in the UIC Biomedical Visualization, as well as a writer of the blog, Street Anatomy, came to talk to our class about blogging. It was nice to say that I actually had one and I'm pretty constant on it as well. I learned quite a few tricks of the trade too!

What is also pretty cool is that she is doing what I want to do with my career as well; Pharmaceutical Advertising Design. She works at Abelson-Taylor in Chicago and it seems like she is very happy there as an art director.

So tooling around the internet, procrastinating before bed, I found these pieces of Graphic work by Jason Freeny. I enjoy his humor in finding anatomy to fit the gummy bear and balloon dog and putting it in an anatomical chart format. Plus, the smooth contours and fun colors catch my eye and make it more whimsical. Quite the find, I think!