
One down....

There you go, the sliding filament theory. It's fun, isn't it? It may look like a simple task, but it takes a lot longer to make and organize than one thinks. I had to do a few adjustments, as I wrote in a post prior, but I'm still not very happy with it. I guess it will be a project for me this break....OH YEAH! I am done with my first semester of graduate school! I feel great. Some people went out tonight, but I am satisfied with just sitting in front of the television (which I am doing right now).

I don't want any plans or any planning tonight and I just want to be left alone, but I doubt that that will happen since my phone has been going off the hook this entire week. I have not had so many texts and phone calls this whole semester as I have this past week. THE BUSIEST WEEK OF THE SEMESTER.....why does that happen?

Oh well, it's done and it's over for another couple months..... more artwork that I haven't posted yet to come! Now I can catch up on my sleep.......ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz................

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