
An Intense Few Days

My final anatomy exam which was on the head and neck was today. The lecture part went well, but unfortunately, the lab part was not my best, but when I mean best, like 3 wrong, so I shan't complain. I was up before it was light out this morning and let me tell you....8 degrees when I left the apartment! To make matter a bit more chilly as well, the UIC buses weren't working at that time.... that time was 6:45 when I left the house. I must be a total nerd too since the Health Sciences Library doesn't open until 7:30....what kind of people are running this place? Do they realized that they are in the sciences and science people need to study?! Anyway, I chatted with a friend (that was actually thinking the same as I that morning) until the library was opened.

After the test was done, we went for a little drinky and socialization at Hawkeyes. I had 2 beers and they tasted really good today. After that, I and others went to support a fellow grad student to go to her undergrad senior thesis art show. Chicago is more into the conceptual art than I am, but it is interesting what the process is sometimes; but really, can rotten vegetables be considered art?

Yesterday for Biomedical Visualization (BVIS) Seminar, Mr. Scott Barrows gave our class the opportunity to check out the Electronic Visualization Laboratory here at UIC. I was greatly impressed! They had virtual reality, a touch screen table like in some of the new movies and incredibly hi-res photos that could be projected on this huge screen. It's awesome to think that some things that they were showing us are the teaching tools of the future. Of course, when I go to try out the touch-screen picture table, the image doesn't move and it temporarily freezes. Another girl in my class noticed and stated that now she realizes what I'm talking about when things get messed up when I'm around..... Tell me about it!

Well off to sleep and then some major website-building tomorrow! Less than a week and I'm done with the semester!

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