
In ode to the looming anatomy exam, I found an ad for Genteal eye drops that I thought was interesting. I also found this cool play on hands for AT&T. These were found on the blog called AdPharm, a pharmaceutical ad agency that shows off other pharm ads as well. I thought it would be a good reference..... too bad what I really need right now is to study anatomy.

Talking about anatomy, I know we all freak out, but you know, in the end it seems to work out. However, I feel like I should be a little more worried. It's so hard to study because every single anatomy test this semester has been through a different professor, so you can't get used to one professor's teaching style. I'm in a good spot though, so I'm not too worried, but my over-achieving attitude wants to get a high grade. We finally had our crit for anatomical visualization on the anatomical landmarks; I think it went well, but I could change a few things, us artists can always change a few things.....

Other things to freak out about: Website 95% done on monday, anatomical illustration due on tuesday, and then Artwork PowerPoint and instructional design project on wednesday, and final presentation on thursday.....phew! Plus Mr. Dude from home won't stop calling.... I feel bad, but I just don't have time for this, obviously.

I also applied to an internship today..... hopefully I hear from them soon!

It's time for me to fall asleep on my books and watch anatomy videos...... I know I'm cool.

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